Friday, 11 October 2013

In the UK

The Plymouth Brethren Christian Church have around 14,000 members in the United Kingdom, spread across England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.

Brethren own businesses, employ persons from all walks of life, and provide for those in need. Regular meetings are part of the Brethren way of life and family values are upheld as a key element to the life and vitality found in our congregations. The Brethren in the UK contribute a lot to the economy and add colour to the tolerant and vibrant society that makes the UK such a wonderful place to live. Members of the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church are a core part of the fabric of UK society.

This section covers news relating to the Brethren in the UK.

Click here to read articles and news about the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church in the UK….

Plymouth Brethren serving visitors to London Church

This article has been quoted here in accordance with International Copyright laws which allow work to be quoted for purposes of commentary, criticism and parody. It is purely to see the difference between actual comment as on the PBCC site, and uncensored comments as we have here below:


  1. For those who are interested: The above photo depicts the UK General Manager of Unispace Global Ltd; Anthony Hazell (son of Mr Jim Hazell.) Rumour has it that he has been described by a non - community member, (and ex-employee who has previously held a senior position in the company).. as being "an onerous little s***".

    1. Interesting to have a photo identified. I hope we will have more. Is he related to Bruce Hazell of the Trimline Group, London? (the one who illegally donated money for political purposes in the USA and is now regarded as a felon). There are a confusing number of "Hazells" - such as Garth Christie's Hazell products, Leeds. All part of massive tax avoiding web, I suppose.

    2. He would be Bruce's nephew as Jim is Bruce's brother

  2. "Brethren provide for those in need."

    For crying out loud, this makes me so angry. The Brethren divided my husband's family in 1984 - wrongly, the family were informed at the HEB review in 2003 - and we have told them and told them ever since that review, that the extended family were left distraught, damaged and dysfunctional - very much "in need". NOTHING has been offered by way of support or restitution or reunification, apart from a small payment from an elderly female HEB to her exEB daughter, and the Brethren took the most mentally damaged member of the family back into the fold in 2005 when he could no longer be housed by exEB members of the family, due to his past actions.

    I don't need to name names here; some guilty consciences in the Brethren will quickly be able to work out the extended family of whom I speak. But I cannot just sit back and let the UK Brethren say on a public website that they care for those in need. They rip apart families, and then do nothing to repair them... THAT'S what the UK Brethren should be known for at this point in time.

    I will be the first in line to let the Charity Commission know if I think the HEB have started behaving like a group that genuinely has public benefit at its heart and as its purpose. There are some thousands of reparations to torn families needed before that day can possibly come... to say nothing of the 'church' needing to gain an appreciation of the meaning of the word 'truth'.

    With love to all, in the Brethren and out.

  3. Title: Unispace is not what they seem…
    Pros: None. I worked at Unispace full-time. People were polite and somewhat nice although clueless about design/construction/interior furnishings. There was no process or software to support the work, everything was tracked manually by using spreadsheets.
    Cons: Management doesn't have a design background or higher education so there is no clear direction (nor do they believe in higher education). It's disorganized and there's no project management or leadership. They lack designers and the skills for the work so they have to fly designers/non-brethren from location to location regularly. They hire people with the skills they are lacking in and pass them off as their own since you work for them. They are constantly changing the name of the company, i.e., legal DBA or a completely different name altogether. Finally to make matters worse, they're purchasing items off the internet and re-selling them at an outrageous margin; they're also boot-legging name brand & proprietary products from smaller aligned dealerships or of their own other Unispace offices in different states. The final nail in the coffin is they have other PB/EB from Canada that purchases bulk containers of less-than-stellar quality furnishings, re-brand it and sell it to the Unispace PB offices. Along the way, they offer customized finishes/options, but fail to meet quality and engineering standards that is found in the major manufacturers’ worldwide.
    Advice to management: Don't parade the company as something other than the truth and don't pass yourself off as a design turn-key operation.


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